Overview: Based on the true story of the main character, Edmund, who deals with various forms of frustration rooted in life as a transgender person in a highly oppressive society. A series of absurd psycho-magical acts leads to the final liberation and allegorical transition into the pearl. To create a safe space to deal with traumas, Edmund’s family and friends were engaged in this process. The aim was not only to create the right therapeutic conditions for the main actor but also for the viewers dealing with similar issues – both by creating the representation and normalization of transgender body and sexuality.
Overview: A documentary about Malga Kubiak and her team. It's not only a movie about her, but also about the situation of independent, lesbian and queer cinema in Poland, Europe and all over the world. Malga is a director, activist, mother, daughter and grandmother. Her family is constantly engaged in her work. She made over 40 movies about such queer icons as Pasolini, Annemarie Schwarzenbach, F.G. Lorca, Andy Warhol or Lizzie Siddal, the muse of Pre-Raphaelites.