Overview: Kamen Rider OOO stars Shu Watanabe and Ryosuke Miura reunite in the first Toei Hero Next project, a sci-fi mystery about a traumatized former elite reporter named Tomoki Chino and a mysterious photographer with five personalities named Rei as they solve a mystery involving people who turn into stone and die. This case is also related to Tomoki's lover who died three years ago.
Overview: Kaori (Nori Sato) runs a small piano studio. One of her students is Yuu (Uwa Ishibashi). On the way from a recital, Kaori is sexually assaulted by Yuu's father (Kentaro Furuyama). Kaori later learns Yuu has also been sexually abused by her father. Kaori and Yuu share each other's pain and eventually Kaori decides to fulfill Yuu's wish.