Overview: In 1942, Red Army officer Nikolai Kiselyov receives orders to evacuate over 200 Jewish women, children, and elderly men facing brutality and death in Nazi-occupied Belarus. These exhausted, starving, terrified and bereaved people, deeply scarred by the horrors they have witnessed, must trek hundreds of kilometers along forest paths to regain hope of survival and faith in the future.
Overview: Viktor, a successful businessman and former doctor, illegally returns to the hospital to help his mother who is sick with COVID-19. Risking his life and freedom trying to figure out what it is, he, along with the medical team, helps the hospital to better prepare for the impact of the pandemic.
Overview: Katya and Sasha love each other, but everyone has a business of his life. He is a doctor, she is a modern artist. Katya begins to move away from Sasha and be ashamed of his ignorance. He feels out of place among the artistic environment of his wife, but he cannot leave.