Overview: Set against the backdrop of the 1967 Six-Day War, the movie adaptation of Naguib Mahfouz's novel follows the escapist, drug-fueled riverboat meetings of a group of frustrated Egyptians from various walks of life.
Overview: Abdo decides to steal cars, and in his first attempt, he meets the married woman Najwa, who suffers from her husband Hanafi the gang leader . Abdo claims to be the head of a company and tries to find evidence to bring the husband down.
Overview: Enas married for love to Dr. Jalal and gave birth to their child, Hisham. However, she is also affected by her husband’s success, and feels doubts about his relationship with his colleague Laila, so she decides to make his life hell, and makes him doubt his paternity of their son Hisham. Jalal collapses, and falls into the state of his wife’s delirium, and the delirium turns into shock. Nervousness pushes him towards the abyss and he loses his memory.