Overview: This well-edited and narrated retrospective of gay fuck flick pioneer filmmaker J. Brian (Brian J. Donohue) sparkles precisely because of what it lacks: the artist himself, speaking in his own words. This serious omission allows the artist's work to speak both for him and for itself, and allows the viewer a freshness unencumbered by bias. The work, five films and seven vignettes, speaks loudly of J. Brian's vision of youth, sexual freedom, and naturalism unfettered by society or its constraints.
Overview: The Insatiables are willing, eager, and always ready for new thrills. Here are three of the most exciting, sex seeking young men you'll ever meet in gay porn. They love to play and toys are a must — cock rings, leather shackles, dildos, you name it. These young men are hellbent on experiencing ultra-sex beyond their wildest imagination. Here is the first major electrifying male porn film from the city of sin — San Francisco.