Overview: Produced for newly independent Sakha television in the early nineties, Summer House is a pioneering document of a film culture in the making. The directorial debut of actor Anatoly Vasiliev, who also stars, the film tells the seemingly simple story of a man returning to his native village to purchase a house, only to find himself caught between the worlds of the living and the dead. Drawing on deep wells of Sakha spirituality and folk symbolism, and cast with local, non-professional actors, Summer House is a rarely-seen gem of independent filmmaking and a key piece of Sakha film history.
Overview: Yakutia, the 1930s. Old Mikipper and his wife Oppuos live their days in thick taiga. Cows, hunting, fishing make up the simple everyday life of the old people. Once early in the winter an eagle flies into their garden. The old people dare no drive it away because eagles are sacred. All through the winter they feed the bird so that it does no attack their cattle. Gradually they grow accustomed to each other. On a cold Christmas day the eagle makes its way into the house and occupies the honorary place in the corner on the shelf next to the icons. From then on the people and the bird start their life together in one house.