Overview: Cinemaa Zindabad is a 2021 Indian Hindi Film based on the Real Life story of the artist. This film is directed by Ajay Kailash Yadav, written by Ajay Kailash Yadav - Rajesh Chaurasia,and Produced By Ajay Kailash Yadav.
Overview: A young man had a kind of psychological problem, which mainly included detest from dirtiness. He had been in search of a girl, who must be neat and clean, but every time he found some filthiness which resulted failure in doing complete sex. After divorce he came in relationship with a girl who insulted badly just because of his psychic problems. He was always found in search of a good girl. There were two more persons, whom with he lived, and one day after observing some uncommon things they sent him to a psychologist, who treated him very well. Finally he could achieve success in doing sex with the same girl who insulted him. At the end he adopted the world of spiritualism.