Overview: Eliana, a teacher who is going through a psychological crisis, leaves her house in search of human contact. Wandering through a distant and hostile city, she discovers a male prostitution ring that employs both young adults and minors. This service is regularly used by Marina O., a theater director who is controversial for her violence. Their obsession with these young males will unleash a chain of events with tragic consequences.
Overview: Six characters. The search for oneself and the other. Frustration, intimacy, clumsy attempts to find them. Who are we when the bases of what define us are shaken? Who are we beneath the masks?
Overview: Creating bonds, experimenting new places, reflecting from love, embracing the pain, seducing the bodies, deconstructing the looks, giving up guilt, creating identities, inhabiting the empty places, strengthening the conscience, finding yourself, letting the bonds go.