Overview: The film is set in during the Emergency period in December 1975. Jadunath a labour union leader, of Jethia Jute Mill in Kolkata has been given death sentence, for the murders of owner Jethia’s brother, and another worker, even though he never committed them. Before dying, he pledges his eyes for donation. However when the mill owner finds about this he tries to manoeuvre the medical system to get both the eyes for his blind son. Meanwhile the doctor discovers that the donation papers provided by the Jethia to be fake. Soon the mill workers get united behind the widow of Jadunath and hold protest rally against the injustice.
Overview: The debut film of the director that won the National Award for depicting with realistic vigour the exploitation perpetrated on the tribal and the landless, for portraying the spirited fight of the downtrodden and for showing great maturity in the conception and presentation of the theme in this maiden venture.