Overview: In the picturesque landscapes of Gudbrandsdalen, Mariam, a vibrant and free-spirited party girl, calls Oslo her home. But fate takes an unexpected turn when she receives a call that shakes her to her core - her father's ashes have been mistakenly swapped, and she must journey back to her quaint hometown for a second burial. As the film unfolds, we witness a mesmerizing exploration of the intricate layers of sisterhood, forgiveness, and redemption.
Overview: When a mummy display arrives in Elvestad, numerous unexplainable accidents happen to the employees at the museum. Rumors has it that they are haunted by pharao Tutankhamon's curse.
Overview: On the brink of the Second World War, a young Norwegian man's drive to resist the Nazis sets a new course for his future – and the future of his country.