Overview: In this dark and futuristic story set in the Buenos Aires of 2068, a motorcycle courier is sent on a routine delivery to the Grupo Crinal television group, where he unknowingly stumbles upon a truth that will change his life forever. He discovers a labyrinthine world where nothing is what it seems, and a truth that he must accept to reclaim both his identity and that of Buenos Aires.
Overview: At eleven years old, Carla feels that her body is changing. Faced with harassment from her mother and her peers, she must make a decision: continue growing with the mandate imposed on her by her environment or be the woman she wants to be.
Overview: In this fun, filled romp, Mecha and Ophelia, a couple, are going through a crisis caused by a third woman. Mecha decides to get over it and swears to Ophelia that she'll stop seeing her lover. After a few months, she realizes she can't do it. Ophelia can't leave Mecha either, and decides to find a lover herself. Events take the most unexpected of turns for Mecha, who realizes her angst persists, and starts to suspect it has nothing to do with love...or does it?