Overview: The fourth installment in Treasure Island Media's LEGENDARY series is the first to focus on the adventures of a bottom. With his insatiable desire for cum — either down his throat or up his perfect hole — Christian embodies the spirit of Treasure Island Media… it is next to impossible to find a top in any major city in the world that hasn’t fucked him. Hand picked by Christian himself, this collection runs the gamut from his most memorable swallow scenes to his intimate 1-on-1 fuckings to his all out balls-to-the-wall gangbangs, and includes two exclusive scenes.
Overview: “Straight-Guy Porn” is a wildly popular subgenre of online amateur pornography that features supposedly heterosexual men having sex with other men for a gay male audience. Why do some gay men prefer to watch sex between two heterosexual men? Where does this desire come from? Is it innate or is it learned? And why would men who identify as straight choose to perform in gay porn? Straight Guys follows filmmaker Daniel Laurin on his journey to answer these questions and reconcile his own relationship to this type of pornography. Daniel speaks to porn historians, porn theorists, porn producers and the performers themselves.