Overview: Asamura Kitaro (Ozawa Kazuyoshi), a young assistant head of the Toyukai, is known in Kabukicho as the one-eyed Kitaro, and is feared as a mad dog that will not stop once he loses his temper. Asamura is strong in fighting but not in making money, and together with his brother Matsuo, he forcibly takes on the business of the rival Nishinaga clan. The Nishinaga clan tries to take Asamura's sister, Yuna, a singer, hostage, but Asamura retaliates against them and kills many members of the clan. When Asamura is arrested for murder, his timing is so good that he begins to suspect a connection between the police and Nishinaga-gumi.
Overview: Lea is a tour guide in Japan who suffered from temporary blindness and if not cured in a few weeks could be permanent. Tonyo who lives right across from Lea is persistent and determined to be her friend. They then become closer and Lea has seen the true character of Tonyo.