Overview: The first major documentary about CALVIN COOLIDGE, the man Ronald Reagan called “one of our most underrated presidents." The year 1923 brought one of the most unusual presidential inaugurations in American history. Vice President Calvin Coolidge was asleep at his childhood home in rural Vermont when the news came in: President Warren Harding was dead. By candlelight, Coolidge’s own father, a notary public, administered the oath of office to the new president. A century later, Coolidge stands as perhaps America’s most misunderstood and unjustly neglected president. A landmark new documentary film changes that
Overview: This is as slick a piece of campaign film as ever came out of Hollywood -- barring, of course, the anti-Upton Sinclair stuff turned out as newsreels in the 1930s during his campaign for governor of California. President Coolidge is presented as a simple man of the people who helps his cousin with the haying when he is in the neighborhood, works in the building he was born in and lives in the same house his father was born in: just another fellow like you and me. He runs the nation just about as well as we could.