Overview: Stanley Durall, the notorious director of a series of intense erotic dramas, is returning to his debut movie, God’s Lonely Woman, to provide an audio commentary for the film’s first Blu-ray release since it was banned in the 1970s. It’s clear from his commentary that Stanley committed a series of transgressions against his lead actresses during production, transgressions which had serious consequences for everyone involved – everyone except him. But will he finally be punished for his past behaviour?
Overview: Elvis Presley is the quintessential rock star icon. Bruce Campbell is the quintessential B-movie horror icon (and once appeared as Elvis in the soul-stealing mummy movie Bubba Ho-Tep). Rob Kemp is not an icon as far as he knows, but he does love Elvis and horror, and has been told that he bears a passing resemblance to Bruce Campbell. The Elvis Dead started as a throwaway comment in a comedy green room, and is the very definition of taking a joke too far. So don your sequinned jumpsuit, strap a camera to a greased-up two-by-four and sing your way through as much of the plot of Evil Dead 2 as you can in an hour. The cult hit of Edinburgh Fringe 2017, this multi-award-winning (and even multier-award-nominated) one-man-horror-comedy-mash-up was recorded for posterity as part of the fourth GoFasterStripe Festival and frankly, Rob couldn’t be happier about it.