Overview: Juzo Murasaki is a young man traumatized by his experience of bullying at school. He returns to his hometown and takes a job on a building site with his old nemesis Toru Akai. But Juzo's trauma has created a monster; he harbors a second personality, Neighbor No. 13, a vicious, brutal and disfigured character intent on exacting a painful revenge on his bully.
Overview: After a convenience store robbery, three unidentified men hold a group of people hostage in a hospital. Inspector Ishida and Captain Tohno handle the negotiations while one of their colleagues, Lt. Ando, tries to find out why the men decided to take the hospital hostage. Through flashbacks, relevant information is revealed to the audience. When the negotiations are finished, most things seem to be fine until they lose track of the criminals. Then, the story unveils from a different perspective, its roots in feelings of love and vengeance.