Overview: The events of the film revolve around Adham Al-Gabalawy (Hussein Al-Sherbini), who controls the people of his town and aspires to marry a woman after the death of her husband, but she rejects him and repulses him. As a result, Adham decides to expel her and her young children from the town, and that woman suffers and struggles in raising her children as they grow up. The two children, one of whom, Rajab (Al-Shahat Mabrouk), is obsessed with the idea of taking revenge on that unjust man.
Overview: The story revolves around Imad (Balia), who works as a mechanic in a poor neighborhood. He falls in love with a rich girl named (Donia), whose car he had once repaired. The problem is that there is another young man competing with (Balia) for her love, but this young man only covets her father's wealth. This young man resorts to many illegal means such as cheating and forgery.
Overview: To provide for his disabled son and his sister who is still a student at the Faculty of Law, Saber earns a living by working as a part-time prisoner. Can he preserve his virtuousness when he has spent so much time amongst criminals?