Overview: 2015 marks the 20th the anniversary of the film "Stories of Kronen" by Montxo Armendariz, based on the novel written by José Ángel Mañas. As a result of the success of that novel, a great number of writers bursted onto the Spanish literary scene: The Kronen Generation. In those years, Luis Mancha wrote a book called "Kronen Generation", made up with interviews of those writers. Now he tries to reconnect them to recall what happened with them in the forgotten 90 years and what is going on now.
Overview: A portrait of the actress and singer Pepa Flores, an incarnation of the recent history of Spain, who, in just twenty-five years of intense career, went from being Marisol, child prodigy of the Franco dictatorship, to being one of the first communist militants, icon of the Transition; an idol of the masses who became a discreet person after having claimed her right to remain silent.