Overview: The events revolve around (Riyadh), who abandons his wife and their infant daughter (Nemat), who ends up in an orphanage after the death of her mother. When (Nemat) grows up and leaves the orphanage and marries (Mahmoud), the father sees her and falls in love with her without knowing that she is his daughter. The events unfold after he learns the truth and seeks to kidnap his grandson, (Nemat's) infant son.
Overview: A girl is married to a doctor and they are living a love story. She was the target of all the relatives who tried to ruin this marriage and they actually succeeded in doing so. The wife was jealous of her husband because of her friend who asked her friend's husband, the doctor, to get rid of the fetus she had conceived from her lover, but the doctor refused, so the family collapsed because of the wife's suspicions.