Overview: A story of relations between a young medical doctor and her patient – an old “flower-woman”, known as a healer, who mysteriously survives a nuclear explosion having completely lost her memory and identity. With clear orders to achieve results, the doctor manages to bring back some memory bit by bit, but these remembrances became unbearable for the old Healer…
Overview: A middle-aged man takes on the role of an industrial climber for the first time in his life and finds himself at a great height. Panic, an unreliable rope and frantic tenants will try to disrupt his mental and physical functioning, but the main target is a large inscription on the wall of a building that must be painted over at all costs.
Overview: A young surgeon loses a patient on the operating table for the first time in his practice. Formally, he is not guilty, but he accuses himself. The deceased patient becomes his companion in an insoluble dispute with his conscience. How long does it take to accept death as a part of the profession?