Overview: Back to Bridgewood, is an inspirational comedy centered around entitled television star Liz Johnson, whose life takes a tail spin when an accident leaves her in the hospital unconscious for days. When she wakes, she discovers she has lost everything, and now has to take refuge on (her childhood friend) Anne's coach in the small town of Bridgewood. Attempting to get back on her feet she finds herself back at Duke Ellington Academy as a one on one teacher for the misunderstood teen, Paul. Yet, Paul's mysterious wisdom at such a young age takes Liz on a journey, challenging her to face her past issues with her estranged mother, find her true self, and purpose in life.
Overview: Ruthless ‘Ruth’ Avery is a first–year law student at the competitive Port Ridge University. She is analytical, she keeps to herself, and she’s used to being the best at what she does. But this year she’s challenged by crowd favorite, Matthew Baxtor. When an internship opportunity arises with Matthew as the top choice, Ruth must decide what’s more important to her; friendship or winning.