Overview: A mysterious death of a mother and the disappearance of her child leads a group of freelance journalists to the outback of Sweden. The group of four, led by the famous journalist Linn Söderqvist, will make a reportage about the happening, and try to find something the police missed. Equipped with cameras and supplies to survive in the forest for days, they wander out in the woods to find the truth.
Overview: 1959 - this is the hot wasp summer, when half of the Swedes stay up 'til three in the morning and listens to the WC match between Ingo and Floyd. Rock-Olga and Rockande Samen are successful and My Fair Lady draws large audiences to the Oscars. Olle Möller is indicted for the murder of Rut Lind from Fjugesta and ATP is hammered through in the Riksdag after Ture Königson cast his vote