Overview: Han Xiao, a police special agent, is working undercover in an underworld gang. When the gang's leader, Chopper, kidnaps a rich kid, he is surrounded by a special police team and the robbers, led by Chopper, are all killed. Han Xiao's escape from death arouses Wei's suspicion, and Wei brings Han Xiao in for severe torture. Han Xiao uses his acting skills and intelligence to play with Wei, trying to clear his suspicion and gain Wei's trust
Overview: Special police brigade sniper Zhang Yuan and observer Hu Bing in a crackdown on armed robbers, hostage Li Xiang accidentally injured. In order to take better care of the injured and paralyzed Li Xiang, Zhang Yuan left the SWAT brigade and with the help of his girlfriend Su Qiu equipped Li Xiang with a brain-controlled drone and became a tacit partner with Li Xiang inside and outside. Three years later during a news investigation, the clues led Zhang Yuan to a factory. Unexpectedly, the plant concealed the production of ephedrine, the raw material for the drug manufacturing workshop, and former teammate Hu Bing became the head of this factory.