Overview: Barry Flynn, a neurotic and highly unpredictable film student, has been off the grid days before the shooting of his first short film, a sitcom. Now, on the first day of the shoot, Barry simultaneously struggles to manage his deteriorating and irritable relationship with his assistant director Clark, his wilting relationship with his girlfriend Daisy, and his cast and crew, who look to him for the guidance he's too incompetent to provide. In a frenetic series of events, Yellow's Foghorn portrays the manifestation of Barry's worst filmmaking nightmares.
Overview: After an astronaut returns from her lunar mission to find that the public lost all interest in the moon, the stories of the astronaut, a film director, and a bear intersect.
Overview: After breaking her leg, a young woman spends all her time at home. She kills time by exchanging texts with a mysterious number. As time progresses, she becomes suspicious of her own safety.