Overview: The film tells the story of a provincial teacher from blue blood, Abbas. The desperate desire of having his own son makes him so indifferent to orphan in his custody and even to deadlock situation of his beloved spouse Vafa. But everything changes, when he himself causes Vafa's death. Now in the otherworld Abbas is craving to have back all the things that he couldn't protect in this world.
Overview: At the request of his colleague, the young lawyer goes to the courtroom to replace her, but he mixes up the rooms and ends up defending a brutal criminal. The following is a catastrophe.
Overview: The events in the film mainly take place at the railway station. The main character, Karim, has the greatest goal — like his father — to kill flies. And for this work he considers himself a true hero. In short, the main meaning of the film is that those who are engaged in idle work actually consider themselves to be concerned with serious, vital issues.