Overview: Young Elly lives in the fishing town of Whitley as the foster daughter of the greedy merchant Brown. When Brown suddenly raises gasoline prices, the local fishermen revolt. The events escalate to a huge gasoline fire, Brown’s death and poor Elly’s capture by pirates. Fortunately, John Elton heroically extinguishes the fire and, just in the nick of time, saves Elly, whom he has long admired. Will Elly and John finally find a peaceful life together after everything they’ve both been through? (stumfilm.dk)
Overview: In Iceland, the pride and honour of one’s family mean everything. Ørlygur á Borg is the most powerful man in the parish, and his son Ormarr is a man of action with a firm sense of justice, predestined to follow in his father’s footsteps. However, Ormarr has other plans for his life, and when one day he sets out for Copenhagen to study, his tyrannical brother takes advantage of the situation, seizing the farm and the role of ruler in the parish. (Stumfilm.dk)