Overview: Beauty Bookworm is the story of An, a shy, timid, and nerdy girl who is dubbed the "Sanctuary of Books" who has just transferred to a new school. With his intelligence, An was quickly noticed by the new school's VALUES (a gathering of academically excellent students), determined to entice him to join the association with the aim of making the association stronger, to conquer the knowledge contest in school and country.
Overview: Four childhood friends and their wives at an upscale dinner party. After a much-heated discussion about how smartphones influence their personal lives, the group proposes a late-night game: everyone is to place their mobiles on the table; whoever gets a text, notification or call must share it with the group. It is a recipe for disaster.
Overview: Under the drizzling rain of the bustling Saigon city, a dreamy musician and a hard-headed realistic girl stumble across each other and fall in love. In the face of economic, social, familial, and romantic adversity, they are yet to answer their own questions on how to have a happy life.