Overview: “Light and Shadow” is a fictional 1970s short documentary about the blind filmmaker Christopher Keller. In improvised interviews and scenes, the film introduces the unlikely and obscure artist personality. A playful exploration of the power of assertion and the cameras abilty to construct reality.
Overview: Maria, a caregiver, undergoes a transformative journey when she encounters Alex, a paraplegic resident. They embark on a forbidden relationship, fueled by their sexual discovery and deep connection. As their bond deepens, Alex's demands and humiliation push Maria to her limits. TOUCHED explores the intricacies of love, dependencies, and the struggles that arise when these elements collide.
Overview: A man has disappeared. His pregnant girlfriend waits in vain for a sign. She clears out his abandoned apartment, assembles fragments of their shared existence, and prepares for her new role as a single mother. DANIEL is an essayistic examination of an intangible loss.