Overview: This film delves into the web of family drama and tragedy while shedding light on the often unheard narratives of students studying abroad, offering a raw and authentic portrayal of contemporary Nepali society. This movie weaves together various stories, with different characters sharing their lives, and ultimately, each of them faces heart-wrenching tragedies.
Overview: In the heart of a remote village, Purna Bahadur Ko Sarangi weaves a poignant drama about the unbreakable bond between a struggling father and his son. Purna Bahadur, a humble and impoverished musician, clings to the hope of a better life through his beloved sarangi, an instrument that carries the echoes of his dreams and sacrifices. As the family faces relentless hardship, the son, who yearns for a brighter future, becomes increasingly distant, torn between his aspirations and the harsh reality of their life.