Overview: One stormy evening in 1829, the aging writer René de Chateaubriand, takes refuge in a mountain retreat at Cauterets, a small town in the Pyrenees. Here, he meets Léontine de Villeneuve, an aristocratic woman forty years his junior, who ignites his passion and who seems to be as equally attracted to him. Under the watchful gaze of the maître d'hôtel, Chateaubriand embarks on what will be his last great love affair, with a woman he will later refer to in his writings as L'Occitanienne.
Overview: Skin diving with Miss Rosewood. Take a plunge into the dark side of uber-sophisticated New York with performance artist, Jon Cory, performing as Miss Rosewood. She strips to full she-male nudity and shares her passion for her art and shows you just how far she's willing to go to blow your mind. Raw. Intense, and without filters, you'll explore her explicit universe from the safe distance of your plush theatre seat.