Overview: Set against the backdrop of the political violence that rocked India, and West Bengal in particular, in the late 1960s, it tells the story of an aged widow in a village who goes to Calcutta to stay with relatives, but faces only exploitation. She moves to a slum, and finds her "own people" in a group of educated, unemployed youth, who are caught up inexorably in the prevalent violence.
Overview: Rajesh Banerjee came to Ranipur to visit his father, Bhabesh Banerjee. Vabesh Banerjee is a greedy businessman and a loose character. Bhabesh wants to stand for election and to reduce his declarable wealth he gifts his money to his son. Bhabesh's wife reveals the whole plot to Rajesh and Rajesh cannot accept his ways. The police are brought in and Bhabesh commits suicide unrepentant till the end.