Overview: Where would you look for help if the bank refused your loan application, which you saw as so certain? This is the kind of problem Taavi and Liisa find themselves facing. Would a lottery ticket be helpful, or instead a few thousand Bitcoins that were floating around in your tech box ten years ago? Meanwhile, enthusiastic entrepreneur Maximillion enjoys the attention of his crypto exchange and can't wait for the collapse of classic banking with his beautiful Armani. The head of the pension fund, Erik, however, keeps his sanity and avoids everything digital. After all, only what you understand and grasp is worth investing in. But what do you do when even your 12-year-old son already earns more than you?
Overview: 9-year old girl, vacationing with her parents in a remote bog, gets trapped in a secret bunker where an AI-startup is nearing the completion of super-intelligent AI. Both the girl and the AI want to escape.