Overview: Robert Fuschnig, a muscle-bound self-promoter in his late 30s, is known in his ever-growing internet community as Rob Fusion – a guy the girls fall for, a buddy you can steal horses with. On Facebook, he has a lakeside villa, expensive cars, and beautiful women. However, the reality is different: a sick mother, a job that bores him and no deeper contact with his fellow human beings.
Overview: A man arrives at JFK-Airport in New York on a cold November morning. In the airport bathroom he cuts his hair and changes his clothes. He owns a small and odd looking linen bound book. The printed pages are covered in notes, written in a woman's pale handwriting. He has carried this book for many years. He had no idea that it will bring his entire past into question.
Overview: The rock paintings of the Australian aborigines are among the oldest evidence of human culture. But the unique cultural heritage of the Aborigines is in danger of being lost forever. The paintings, some of which are over 40,000 years old, are severely affected by weathering and algae infestation.