Overview: Tom returns home after a long work trip to realise that his children, George, and Julie, have grown distant from him and their mother, Patricia. Tom and Patricia share their frustrations about their children and Patricia confides in Julie’s cell group leader to learn more about her daughter’s behaviour. George appears indifferent to all that is going on but shows concern for his sister’s well-being. Conversations and confrontations reveal secrets and exposes issues with the family that may be worse than it seems.
Overview: The Olive Depression documents the weeks before a teenage boy enters military service He is determined not to mentally accept what is required of him by law. He opts to prepare himself by maintaining his melancholy about something against what it means to be human. However, seeing the depression of his best friend who enters the army before him and the worry of his parents lead him to question his principles. As he strives not to succumb to the government's world view, he finds it increasingly difficult to be contented and sad at the same time.