Overview: A young university student, bored at work, finds herself at a crossroads. One way leads to a prestigious, but expensive, master's program in finance. Another way leads straight back to her current dead-end job. A third way involves a charming, flirtatious stranger who recognizes her from school. All in all, a strange night to get robbed.
Overview: While dealing with the aftermath of escaping an abusive relationship, Heather starts to believe there is a vampiric shape shifting creature trying to trick her into getting inside her home. Memories of witnessing a traumatic event years ago involving the same creature come flooding back after she is mysteriously gifted the creatures calling card - a smooth stone engraved with a strange symbol. With the help of a supportive friend, Heather must finally confront her demons in the form of the monster that is haunting her, and summon her inner strength to finally defeat it.