Overview: (Nadia), who was born and raised in (France), returns to (Iraq) to rediscover her roots and origins. During this journey, (Nadia) gradually uncovers the story of her grandfather, Haj (Najm) Al-Baqal, the owner of the date shop, and the man who was one of the prominent leaders of the revolution in (Najaf) against British colonialism in 1918. The film sheds light on the impact that Haj (Najm) Al-Baqal's struggle left on the people of (Najaf).
Overview: Before the July 1958 revolution, Abu Saeed decides to incite the peasants to rebel against Sheikh Majid Al-Iqtai, who had burned their crops, exploited them, and enslaved them for many years. He succeeds in rallying the people's spirits against him.