Overview: Basri and Salma, a childless couple who have been married for 5 years, own an Odong-Odong at the carnival together, spending their days entertaining and taking care of other people’s children without any of their own. One day they have to attend a family reunion where they are being intimidated and repressed by other family members. Between meddling relatives, self-doubt and an explosive confrontation, they uncover why they have not been blessed with a child.
Overview: Tobo was asked by his mother to marry Karaeng Jarre's pregnant daughter. Even though Tobo loves Baji with all his heart, what can he do? He knows that Karaeng Jarre has helped his family a lot all this time.
When a dilemma comes, various problems emerge and test the strength of Tobo and Baji's love. Will both of them be able to overcome everything and restore the family's dignity?