Overview: Feeling detached from her body and the world around her, Niamh McMahon struggles to remember events from a college party. Becoming overpowered by sudden flashes from the night’s evens, she struggles to regain her voice in connecting with those around her. Niamh is desperately trying to find some sort of solace in a world filled with so much noise.
Overview: Lizzie is struggling to make ends meet. She lives with constant anxiety about the strong reputation she must maintain before the people surrounding her. She is crippled by the cost of living in the modern Irish society, bore down by the prices of the inhalers she needs to breathe. Lizzie finds herself manipulating her way around the money problems in her life, hurting others and herself in the process. This is all done to avoid the acceptance of help from her wealthy family, who value money and class far too much for Lizzie to ignore it. Her determination to avoid this so-called failure pushes her to the edge, until she can no longer hide from the truth of her struggles.