Overview: In the distant Alaas near the forest, a lonely old man lives happily in a booth and is engaged in moonshine brewing. A teenage grandson comes to him for the summer holidays. The grandson is dissatisfied, thinks that he will be bored here. But not this time. It turns out that the old man has a chicken nest on the roof of the booth, in which eggs lie every morning. It's unclear where it came from, and where the chicken itself is. After a while, a stranger falls on their head and just as mysteriously disappears. A series of amazing meetings and events will make this summer unforgettable.
Overview: Due to an accident, Dima has been confined to a wheelchair since childhood. Despite the restrictions, he is actively engaged in creativity, writes music and receives awards. But this realization and success does not make him a happy person. One day, his mother leaves on a business trip, and Dima is left to look after his aunt Tina, young and a little frivolous. Soon, Dima's old childhood friend, Aisen, unexpectedly appears, who invites him to arrange an unforgettable weekend and promises to show Dima a real "adult life".