Overview: Zora, a young black woman, discovers that her father has been murdered during her family’s luxury vacation in Caribbean. With the help of her surviving family members, Zora must save herself from dying at the hands of the beautiful, Martisha and avoid the mythical obstacles throughout the island. During this journey, Zora learns that she is even more powerful than she thought.
Overview: The Come Up is about a young comedian as a young man who struggles to try to make it but the terrible streets kind of get him caught up. He's got a few homeboys that he hangs with that try to get him to do all the wrong things with them but he tries his best not to engage with the activities that's surrounding him. He get caught on the street doing a lil drugs at one time, get caught up in a robbery with his homeboys, get caught stealing and his momma puts him out the house. But he's got this girl on his side that keeps in straight and in order. And this is how he makes it. Meanwhile he's doing comedy shows at the clubs and people are laughing at him and not his jokes. He finally makes it as a comedian one day.