Overview: Samejima (Riki Takeuchi), a member of the Igarashi group, thwarts a plan by Yano (Takashi Matsuyama), a member of the Hanamori group, to crush the group. Yano asks for an apology, but Samejima is reluctant. Meanwhile, Dojima (Yoshiyuki Yamaguchi), an executive of the Hanamori-kai, plans to expel Yano after his plan fails, and falsely tells Kurata, a group member who admires Samejima, that Yano is plotting to assassinate Samejima. Kurata (Go Ibusuki) is seduced by this plan and carries out the assassination of Yano without Samejima's knowledge...
Overview: In the yakuza society, which has been trying hard but is no longer able to communicate, the Igarashi group, which is famous as a militant yakuza group, is also about to undergo an organizational change. All eyes are on Samejima (Riki Takeuchi), the leader of the group's martial arts group, and Segawa (Hiroshi Fuse), the young head of the group. Meanwhile, contrary to the boss's wishes to lie down on his sickbed, Segawa, the top candidate for successor, begins to do suspicious things behind the scenes. The insatiable greed that the warriors have in their travels begins to stir, and a bloody feud breaks out.