Overview: This be the year 3000. The world has been enveloped within the flames of nuclear warfare, bringing with it a new dark age. In these times, technology can be a rare blessing, or curse, depending on its discovery and / or use. What is left of civilization, of humanity, has been reduced to numerous city states, each fighting to survive the wars between them , as well as from within. This tale takes place after a vile war between two Houses both like in dignity, in what is left of fair Verona. The House of Capulet has claimed victory and believes to have extinguished all within The House of Montague, yet one still lives. This be not the story of star-crossed lovers, but of Romeo, last of the Montague. A cyborg who seeks love, and revenge...
Overview: Slade Collins and The Tree Of Life is an adventure film that explores ancient Iroquois folklore. The story follows a relic hunter named Slade Collins who is employed by a museum caretaker to find Dr. Winters, a renowned anthropologist who has gone missing. Dr. Winters was researching The Tree Of Life in an attempt to uncover its secrets. In Iroquois myth, The Tree Of Life is believed to be directly tied to the story of Creation. Through an unfortunate event, Slade teams up with Sill Winters, Dr. Winter's daughter who is also searching for her father. Together, they set out to find the Tree Of Life and the doctor. Unfortunately for them, they are not the only ones searching for The Tree Of Life. The nefarious Reverend Wendell Cobb and his associate, the ruthless mercenary named Czar are also searching for it. Together they set out to bring about the end of the world as we know it.