Overview: The ennui of a filmmaker, trapped between aspiration and reality, frames Lana Jing’s quirky, sarcastic, and cinematic-joke filled quarter-life crisis. At her lecture hall job, where aging white men wax on, self-involved, Lana accidentally frames her friend and co-worker when she destroys the only copy of an aging tech-bro’s high-profile lecture. Lana is forced to navigate stop motion animation, a secret admirer, and terrible bridge traffic to sort out a way forward to her destiny… kinda.
Overview: In 1967, San Francisco law secretary B. (played by Emily Somers, Westworld) is a woman out of place, caught between the traditionalists and the hippie movement.
Overview: San Francisco. A lesbian detective lands in town to start a new life passing as a man only to be drawn into a world of corruption, post war paranoia and grave personal danger.