Overview: River Magnus Productions' debut musical film spectacular, THE MONEYTREE. This story follows Linnie, a down-on-her-luck young woman who stumbles upon the fabled Moneytree, which grants a fortune to whoever chops it down... but the mythical forest guardian Sibcy isn't going to make things easy for Linnie.
Overview: “Don’t be so tragical, Lucius, it’s a magical day!” In this short musical film, two forest spirits (and best friends) have a falling out and must navigate their own growing pains and anxieties with love and life before trying to reconnect. Experience the beauty of summer in this modern myth, shot entirely on location (and outside) in Mid-Michigan in East Lansing, Grand Ledge, and Holt. You can support River Magnus and future films on our Patreon page: patreon.com/themagnuscommonplace If you enjoyed this, check out our other short films!
The Moneytree: A Magnus Musical -
Big Red: A Motion Capture Animated Short Film - Find video essays and BTS for River Magnus projects on The Magnus Commonplace channel: patreon.com/themagnuscommonplace AUBIN & LUCIUS: A MAGNUS MUSICAL - The Short Film | Sony A7siii | 4K | Musical Short Film | Queer Short Film | LGBTQ Film