Overview: The narrative revolves around Latika, a simple, optimistic young woman. She represents one of the countless girls whose societal norms forbid them from experiencing love, intimacy, or friendship with a man prior to marriage. Strangely, these same girls are expected to effortlessly transform into sensual goddesses overnight upon entering matrimony.
Overview: In the Himalayan Mountain range, a rural village loses its inhabitants to the city’s allure while an elderly couple, Padam Singh and Tulsi, live in desolate isolation. Their days are filled with routine and occasional humour as they mask their loneliness. Their son’s absence gnaws at them, and when a letter arrives promising his return, it reignites their hearts with joy and anticipation. However, the reunion does not unfold as expected, shattering their hopes. As the film climaxes, the spectator is confronted with a more rueful plight, deeply engaging the audience’s empathy.