Overview: To Jim, speed in its various forms is everything -- a pursuit, a vice, and the thing that courses through his veins. Even though his boss still calls him 'Elizabeth,' Jim loves his bike messenger job, because it enables him to be doing one of his favorite things: going fast. Really fast. The other thing he loves doing is his genius punkstar stripper girlfriend, Ally, who keeps critical theory and lube on the nightstand. She'd live in a paper box with him, and Jim has given up speed (in its drug form) to be with her. But when he plays hooky for love and gets fired, addiction calls, and he gambles on the one person who really understands him.
Overview: Since the dawn of cinema, sex workers have been portrayed (mostly negatively) by filmmakers. With equal parts historical overview, critique, and homage, this eye-opening film lets real-life dommes, escorts, porn stars and hustlers tell you which films they love and which they hate, which get it right and which miss the mark, and how perpetuating stereotypes in media affects real peoples' lives.