Overview: With background experience for entrepreneurship in Egypt, Azzam was not discouraged even to start business on its own. But how to get married, it is always alluded to by his mother. Women who his admired, Anna Althafunnisa has been proposed by his best friend. Whereas with Eliana whom he not love, it create much confusion. Azzam also trying to find his moorings, although quite a lot of the barriers that they face, which then makes it almost hopeless.
Overview: Ketika Cinta Bertasbih berfokus pada perjalanan tokoh Azzam (M. Cholidi Asadil Alam), seorang mahasiswa Indonesia yang menuntut ilmu di Universitas Al Azhar Kairo-Mesir. Kuliahnya tertunda selama 9 tahun setelah ayahnya meninggal dunia, sehingga demi menghidupi dirinya dan keluarganya di Solo Azzam berdagang bakso dan tempe di Kairo-Mesir.
Overview: Maya has just worked in a nursing home. She often smells bad smell in his room. Outside the room she also hears strange noises every night. When she began to wonder, she is terrorized by the appearance of a ghost of a woman dressed in a nurse like herself. She always gets support from Elena, a good and wise home owner. This support contrasts with the attitude of Gendis who does not like Maya's presence. Maya meets Reno who often works for nursing homes. Reno warns Maya to immediately leave the nursing home. This nursing home will endanger her. The Reno warning is proven by the deaths of elderly people in the home one by one. Maya tries to end the terror.
Overview: Hanum had an opportunity to attend the program in the Global New York TV station which was her dream. Her husband sacrificed his dream for Hanum.
Overview: Sandy survives a psychopath’s rampage but his wife and two children are killed. Ten years later, a group of young people, Alfons, Ricky, Rere, Dence, Amel, Rosma, and Mita want to celebrate New Year's Eve in an old, abandoned villa. But then they start dying one by one. Sandy tries to kill the psychopath but gets wounded instead. For the mysterious psychopath, his sadistic actions are driven by the trauma experienced during his mother's murder. Therefore, he is always looking for the victim's left eye as a substitute for his mother's own missing eye.