Overview: Klammer auf Klammer zu is the story of a young man who decides to leave the country after the 1965 West German parliamentary elections. He hitchhikes out of Hamburg, but makes it only as far as the Lüneburg Heath. There, he meets a woman driving a Jaguar, protects her from an “attack” by a light sport airplane and then helps her sell her car to a shepherd. When doubts arise about the buyer’s solvency, the man and woman take the train back to Hamburg …
Overview: Hollywood opening credits with crashing sea waves and expectant orchestral music opens the film. Then the viewer's gaze is carried through a room. In a mirror you see for a moment a naked girl holding the recording subjective camera under her arm, she pulls open a drawer, puts the camera inside and closes the drawer. The viewer's gaze and thus the viewer himself is caught in the darkness.