Overview: When a policeman is confronted with a crazed killer who seems to have no motive, he desperately tries to find a reason for the crime. But the lack of a motive leads to a descent into madness...
Overview: When Johnny Kraftmeile kills some henchmen of the gangster boss Jeff McMegaBoss, Jeff tries to kill Johnny resulting in an ever escalating conflict between the two. But Johnny has to face his toughest battle yet when Jeff sends… lizard people? Lizard people!
Overview: After using their name, CIA agents are picked off one by one by the flying monks. In order to stop them, the CIA recruited Johnny Kraftmeile who tries to wipe the flying monks out but this battle won’t be easy and will result in a bloodbath
Overview: Jonathan Harker's search for the legendary Necronomicon seems to be fulfilled when he finds the mysterious book in H.P. Lovecraft's personal library. Lovecraft insists on telling Harker 4 stories out of the necronomicon. However they slowly start to manifest themselves into reality and the question of what’s real becomes increasingly more difficult to answer