60 Simple Strategies to Increase your Productivity

Asif Abrar 8/16/2024
164 likes 1208 Words
Increasing productivity involves establishing clear goals, utilizing effective tools, and creating systems that streamline tasks. Prioritizing important tasks, eliminating distractions, and embracing productive habits, like saying "no" and managing time efficiently, are crucial. Incorporating routines, understanding team motivations, and using technology to track and optimize work can further enhance productivity. Additionally, learning to delegate, focusing on money-making activities, and creating a positive workspace contribute significantly to achieving and maintaining high productivity levels.

1. Creating a universal system and protocols and making sure your team knows these can help increase productivity 100%.

2. If you want to increase productivity in your team, establish a performance goal that inspires people to take action.

3. One habit that many highly productive people confess to is getting up earlier than others. How could you use an extra hour or two?

4. Find the right tools to help you achieve your daily goals. Finding ways to simplify tasks will boost productivity and increase mindset.

5. It’s not enough to plan to reach a goal: For maximum productivity, plan how you can maintain success once you reach it.

6. Make a list of the “time waster” habits in your everyday life. How will you take steps to reduce these?

7. Important tasks are worth doing well. (“Hurry and impatience are sure marks of the amateur” -Evelyn Underhill)

8. It’s important to keep up with business learning. Listen to podcasts while doing other things, if you don’t have time or to read books.

9. Combine your personal life action list with your work action list for maximum effectiveness. (Retweet!)

10. If you really want to be more productive, learn to say “no”. (What are three things you can start saying “no” to?)

11. Identify distractions and replace them with new, productive habits. (What is one distraction you can eliminate right now?)

12. Review your “to do” list at the end of the day. If you consistently don’t achieve its goals, reduce the number of tasks.

13. “You can prepare all you want, but if you never roll the dice you'll never be successful” - Shia LaBeouf

14. To eliminate time wasted on meetings, plan them, send everyone an agenda, appoint a chairperson and stick to your agenda.

15. Respect your team members’ expertise and remember that different viewpoints can lead to innovative solutions.

16. To increase productivity, eliminate reactivity. Plan at least a week ahead, using a system that you find easy and pleasant to use.

17. If you don’t like videos, and a particular business person’s emails always contains videos you have to watch, clear the clutter. Unsubscribe.

18. When it comes to productivity, find out if it works best for you to tackle your hardest task first – or last. (Everyone is different!)

19. To increase productivity, set time limits on meetings, phone calls and tasks. Make note of what works and doesn’t and refine these.

20. If you want to increase productivity, resist the urge to multi-task. Focus on one task at a time – and get each one done.

21. Get rid of clutter to increase productivity – and this includes ruthlessly dumping negative , energy-sapping people.

22. Take a leaf from your high school days and work on different tasks in “periods”. This technique can actually increase productivity.

23. Recognize that “emails aren’t letters, they’re tasks”. Use Active Inbox to help clean and sort: http://www.activeinboxhq.com/index.php

24. If you want to increase productivity in your team, learn to recognize what each person’s “reward” is – and provide it.

25. Which apps do you use to boost your productivity? What’s the common denominator in why you like each one? (E.g. easy to use, visuals, etc.)

26. Create an “Action List” – not a “chore” or “to do” list – and learn to think of it that way. The positive wording can work miracles.

27. Knowing team member motivations helps productivity, but it’s also important to understand what discourages each one.

28. Use a project management system if your team consists of more than just you and your VA. (Try Basecamp or Asana.)

29. If you want to increase team productivity, try “walking a mile” in members’ shoes. Ask about their challenges and goals.

30. “Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work in hand. The Sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus” - Alexander Graham Bell

31. To increase productivity, take the initial time to learn programs or apps you use completely. E.g. explore your inbox capabilities.

32. Eliminate distractions. Don’t run desktop apps that give alerts about non-productive stuff, such as the latest tweet or email.

33. Use the power of systems and software you already have: For example, use Excel to create a time-tracking spreadsheet.

34. If you really want to increase productivity, do small or unpleasant tasks “right now” instead of assigning them to your To-Do list.

35. To simplify and streamline your Outlook Express inboxes, use a manager like Clear Context: http://www.clearcontext.com/gtd/

36. To increase productivity, identify your best money-making activities and focus more time and priority to each one. (Retweet!)

37. To increase productivity, work smarter by delegating, discarding and outsourcing more tasks.

38. Don’t just identify money-making activities to increase productivity: Pay attention to each one’s ROI. (Retweet!)

39. Ruthlessly eliminate procrastination habits and activities if you want to create more productivity. Do it one habit at a time.

40. “Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work” ― Stephen King, on writing productivity.

41. “Nothing is less productive than to make more efficient what should not be done at all” – Peter Drucker, originator of “outsourcing”.

42. Follow through and follow up are as important in increasing productivity as planning. Have you found this to be true?

43. Keep a notebook or record your ideas via your smartphone and Evernote as they occur, to make the most of creative bursts.

44. To increase productivity, cross half the things off your To-Do list every day and highlight no more than 3 remaining ones as top priority.

45. “Taking action without thinking is the cause of every failure” – Peter Drucker, originator of the business “community” concept.

46. Adopt taking a “power period” every day – a chunk of time in which you work on something, allowing absolutely no distraction.

47. Schedule your “power period” for the daily time slot you notice you’re usually the most productive within.

48. If getting started is your nemesis, schedule your “power period” for first thing in the morning (when you would usually be on Facebook!)

49. If typing slows you down, either outsource written content or learn/brush up on your touch typing at (free) http://www.keybr.com/.

50. To increase productivity, look for external distractions and remove them. Face your desk away from the window, turn off the radio, etc.

51. Try playing classical or meditation music softly in the background. Are you one of those whose productivity increases when you do this?

52. Which Google app could help you increase productivity the most? http://www.google.com/enterprise/apps/business/index.html

53. To increase productivity, take five minutes to print out Google keyboard shortcuts: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/126449

54. “When you find something you want to view later, put it in Pocket” - https://getpocket.com/

55. When trying to streamline family life create an Action Station in a central place where family can check schedules, post notes, etc.

56. Answer emails you look at either straight away – or not at all. Don’t promise yourself you’ll do it “later”. (You won’t.)

57. Track your time at least twice a year. Seeing where you waste it can help you be more productive. (Try https://www.toggl.com/.)

58. To increase productivity, give your mind a makeover. Spend a few sessions with a Lifestyle Coach to help find the leaks.

59. Productivity tip: Create routines – but make sure they work for all family members. If one isn’t working, change it (or change the time).

60. “Productivity is being able to do things that you were never able to do before” - Franz Kafka

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